What Conditions are Treatable by Acupuncture?
In Chinese medicine’s terms, acupuncturists treat an imbalance of Chi, but in Western terms they treat hundreds of symptoms and conditions with positive results.
Among conditions most frequently treated are the following: Addictions, Circulation, Headaches, Allergies, Colds, Immune System Deficiencies, Ankle Swellings, Colitis, Indigestion, Arm and Shoulder Pain, Constipation, Injuries, Arthritis, Coughs, Insomnia, Asthma, Depression, Nervousness, ADD, Diarrhea, Prostate Problems, Back Pain, Disc Problems, Sciatica, Bed Wetting, Dizziness, Sinus Trouble, Blood Pressure, Emphysema, Skin Problems, Bronchial Conditions, Fatigue, Stomach Problems, Bursitis, Fibromyalgia, Sore Throat, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Gall Bladder Disorders, Tendonitis
What Are Needle Treatments Like?
Typically, acupuncture needles are fine and flexible, no bigger than a human hair or piece of thread.
Most feel no or minimal pain as the needles are inserted.
Some people are energized by treatment, while others feel relaxed.
Improper needle placement, movement of the patient, or a defect in the needle can cause soreness and pain during treatment.
It is important to seek treatment from a qualified acupuncture practitioner.
What Is Involved in the Acupuncture Diagnosis?
Pulse Diagnosis: An intricate expert evaluation of the pulses reveals excesses, deficiencies, disharmonies of Chi and what organs are involved.
Observation of the patient: Noting color and condition of the tongue, texture and condition of the skin, of the hair, of the voice-its strength or weakness-high or low pitch-hoarse-throaty. Answers here confirm many health issues.
Interviewing the patient: Seeking a history of the illness, the patient’s feelings, lifestyle, diet. All of those, as well as emotional problems may contribute to Chi’s imbalance.
Physical Examination: Feeling for tender acupoints is a reliable diagnostic tool because certain acupoints are related to specific areas and functions of the body, and tenderness may relate to a specific problem.
How Long Do Treatments Take?
Depending on the patient’s condition and the treatment plan, each treatment averages thirty minutes. Typically acute conditions require less time and chronic conditions require longer time.
How Many Treatments Will I Need?
The number of treatments depends on the duration, severity, and nature of your complaint as well as your overall health. Typically, the recommendation is two to four treatments per week for a total of eight to sixteen treatments.
Are Acupuncture Needles Sterile and Safe?
Yes. The government requires acupuncturists to follow very strict sterilization procedures. In addition, pre-sterilized acupuncture needles are manufactured, packaged, and shipped in sterilized containers to ensure compliance with the law.
Is Acupuncture Practiced in American Medical institutions?
Acupuncture has become universally accepted. It’s being utilized in more and more hospitals, wellness centers, pain management centers, doctor’s offices, and rehabilitation centers, where acupuncturists are welcome and valuable part of the team.
Will My Treatment Be Covered By Insurance?
Acupuncture is one of the CAM therapies that are more commonly covered by insurance. Check with your insurer before you start treatment to see whether acupuncture will be covered for your condition and, if so, to what extent. Some insurance plans require preauthorization for acupuncture.